The best way to fight climate change is planting trees

and keeping the ones we have standing



Finance an oak forest protection/restoration project with us. Carbon and biodiversity credits are available.


We’re rolling out a free service in early 2025 to help you earn revenue for replanting and preserving native forests.  Funds are paid per month/acre and are in addition to the revenue you earn from Wild Food harvests. All you have to do is safeguard your forests, and cash a check.

Many landowners who would like to keep these beautiful forests intact feel economic pressure to log or sell.  

We will handle all of the work to measure CO2 sequestered each year, validate the health of ecosystems and biodiversity on-site, and then create high quality Carbon and Biodiversity credits that can be sold.

Subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of program updates.


California’s forests

are uniquely

important for

for Carbon storage + habitat

In addition to providing habitat for more than 6,000 species, California’s oak forests can store as much carbon per acre as a tropical rainforest. California’s Redwoods sequester more carbon than any other forest in the world.

But for 200 years, our Oak and Redwood forests have been shrinking as development and farming replace habitat.

Today, many of California’s native oaks are endangered species, and 98% of our old growth Redwood is gone.